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April 26, 2014


For the past three days, we had a gigantic garage sale at our house. It was so gigantic, it took place on two levels. Let me explain.

In the garage and on the driveway was your typical garage sale fodder. But, I have so many crafting supplies collected over the years that we needed to add a second phase to the sale in the downstairs of the house just for them. Since it was held in two areas, we needed two people to "woman" the sale.

My oldest daughter, Emily, who lives 2 1/2 hours from here, came up several weekends to, first of all, help me purge and reorganize my overendowed crafting area. Oh my. What a job that was! Then, to help prepare and set up the sale. In other words, Emily was (is!) a valuable assistance and source of comfort and encouragement throughout all this. She was the "woman" in the garage. I "womaned" the craft sale downstairs.

To get to my point: Although the garage sale business was fairly steady, there was still some time in between while customers were browsing that I took advantage of and CREATED!

I grabbed a book I'd had for some time about various ways of folding paper. Since my portion of the sale was in the vicinity of my Creation Station, it was easy to sneak away briefly to retrieve needed supplies for my creations. I admit I got a little carried away with some of the tea bag folding patterns. Some were complete flops. Some I just could not GET the directions, no matter how concise they were.

Finally, I got to a pattern that I loved the look of, but just could not put the whole thing together. So, after a day of garage sale hosting, Em and I sat down, and with her expertise (and younger, more agile mind) we finally figured out how to put a particular star together. Once I got that into my feeble little brain, I made several of the stars.

Even though I can never thank Emily enough for all her help and dedication over these months, as a start, I thought I could make her a star in a pattern and colors that I thought she would like.

Now I realize that the star looks like it is larger on the bottom. Not the case, however. I have it leaning, and it is merely a sort of optical illusion. Usually, if I am less than pleased with the photos I've taken of my projects, I will retake and retake them until I am happy. Not possible in this case, since she left with it as soon as I gave it to her, and I don't have it available to retake the photos. I apologize for this.

My Emily loves the retro mid-century look, so I thought adding a little cherry button fitted the bill. For those of you "of a certain age", I'm sure you remember the prolific little cherries from way back when?

The darling Designer Series Paper is the I Am Me set that is RETIRING! 

As I've mentioned in blog posts previously, Emily is a gifted illustrator ( She has a fabulous studio for her workspace. When I gave her the star, she told me she would hang it in her studio. I am pleased. 

Thanks Emily, for all your help and just for being you!



  1. I hope your sale was a success!! I had fun there of course, just wish I had more time and energy. Em's star is beautiful. I love teabag folding too. but I'm all thumbs with it.

  2. This is so pretty! I love the look of the I Am Me paper. It is my favorite and I'm so sad it's retiring :(

  3. This is so pretty, and I have to say, daughters are great helpers! :)

  4. How wonderful your daughter would give you so much help on a difficult job. Glad you got her help with the star. I love it and the little cherry button sure does bring back memories. The paper is gorgeous and i think she'll love her star. I"m not sure I could do it either. I'm not good at that kind of thing, darn it anyway. My old brain goes on strike way too often. (I'll be 74 in July). Hope your sale went great for you, I need to do alot of purging myself. Happy days

  5. Very beautiful,seen it on Saturday Link Party,
    Have a great weekend:)

  6. I just love to come to your blog and see what you do every week!! Thanks for sharing on the Thursday Blog Hop!
