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July 13, 2014


I want to tell you a little story. A story of how some Paper Seedlings grew . . . and grew. Beyond my wildest dreams. (hyperbole)

Finding myself in need of a few generic cards that could be used for a variety of occasions, I planned to make a handful of them yesterday, my day off.

Knowing that I was going to be doing this the next day, of course, the night before, I dreamed of a design. The plan came together in my dreams so perfectly. You know how creative dreams are. Anything is possible -- and beautiful. Wondrously beautiful.

Since I wanted to make several identical cards, I needed the design to be fairly simple and straightforward. Assembly line style.

Thus, according to my dream, I was going to use a set of four related small stamps. The examples that came to me in my dream were the fruits Stampin' Up! had out a few years back. You know the one: with the orange/lemon, apple, strawberry and apple. The other option was the one with the same tree in four different seasons.

I was going to stamp each image individually, mount each one on a complementary cardstock, then mount all four onto a single piece of a coordinating cardstock. Two over two. Simple. But with either of those sets of images, cute. Right?

Ach. When I got to my Creation Station and checked out these two sets, my dream cards vanished. The idea was sort of . . . blah.

I still was certain I wanted to use a few small images, so went digging for an alternate set that would work. I came across Kindness Matters, one that is now retired. This set contains two small butterflies and one larger one. A lightbulb went on.

OK. I don't need FOUR images. Three will do. A little departure from the visions of my dreams, but I am happy with the result:

The orange butterfly is stamped in the new In Color, Tangelo Twist. The other current color I used is Island Indigo. This card gave me the opportunity to use some darling retired ribbon in Gumball Green.

BUT . . . I truly think the STAR of this card is the textured polka dot background. This is achieved with the darling Decorative Dots embossing folder that can be found on page 226 of the new big catalog.

Please share any of your creative dream experiences with us!



  1. I love that card! It can be used for any occasion, which is sometimes hard to find. The paper is gorgeous. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Beautiful card! I can definitely relate to getting all hype about something you want to create and then . . . Bam, it doesn't seem so great anymore! Hate when that happens.

  3. Beautiful card! I love butterflies a bunch too. Your dreams still worked! Class was fun, just being able to come and visit and watch was the best!

  4. Interesting how a dream could be a full inspiration for something. Your card came out lovely.

  5. Most of my creative dreams hit me when I am trying to find some sleep and needless to say... I then become sleepless!
    Your card is beautiful. Like the concept.


  6. Such a cute card. I love all of the different textures and the story behind it. Thank you for linking at the In and Out of the Kitchen Link Party. Hope to see you again next week.

  7. Love the different butterfly designs you put on. Very creative :)

  8. What a sweet card, love the stamps, butterflies are so uplifting

  9. so pretty! Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop xo

  10. So beautiful! love the butterflies! Thanks for sharing with us at Your Designs This Time!

    Emily & Erin

  11. I love it! The textured paper is beautiful, and I love the simplicity of the three butterflies. So pretty! Thanks for linking up last week. :)

  12. How pretty! I'd like to feature this post tomorrow at Tuesdays with a Twist! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  13. Your card is beautiful! I agree that the embossing steals the show but I do love that gumball green ribbon. Thanks for sharing with Creative Spark Link Party. Glenna @ My Paper Craze

  14. Beautiful! Thanks for linking up at the Creative Spark Link Party! I hope you will stop by again today to link up!

  15. Thanks for linking up to The Creative Exchange! I am featuring your card this week. xo, Laura
