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June 4, 2022

#dailycreating JANUARY 2022

Today I will share with you a selection of drawings I did from January 2022 as part of Terry Runyan's Facebook group, #dailycreating.

Terry encourages all of her members to try to create something each day. 

It was in January that I sort of started to fall apart a little bit. Struggling with my drawing and staying creative in any way became the norm. And it was scary. Searching for something to pique my interest, I came across a "new" sort of art called Neurographic Art

The more I learned about this type of art, first developed in 2014, the more I became convinced that it could help me pull myself together again. Or, at least, it seemed that it could be a great stress reliever. You will find among these drawings the first of this type of art I've tried. I will have them labeled as such:

Meanwhile, I will note above each drawing what the prompt was for the day and any other interesting information I have found on my subject matter.


green macaw

off prompt
chestnut-bellied malkoha/singapore

peppermint angelfish/pacific ocean

blue jay

#thing on thing
great kiskadee/texas to argentina

off prompt
my take on neurographic art

#thing on thing
female northern cardinal

#squirrel appreciation day

off prompt
another take on neurographic art

#thing on thing
boar-billed heron/mexico-south america


When I say "my take on neurographic art", this type of art has so many parameters that need to be met in order to be considered "true", so I always just say that mine is based on neurographic art. Since I did these two pieces, I have managed to finish countless more, each one more different than the last. In the coming months, I will be sharing more of mine with you. In fact, I have several framed pieces of this art for sale in a local shop. I find it ever so soothing to work on. Whenever I need to calm down a bit, I work on a piece for about 15 minutes. That's about all my hands and eyes can take in one sitting.

Also, #thing on thing. I have said this every month, but for new readers, I will give an explanation. Terry designates every Wednesday as #thing on thing. While some take that more literally, I really don't so much. In fact, Terry herself always creates a painting of a cat on a head. I, on the other hand, find a bird that has something special added to his head or beak. This I call my #thing on thing.

Finally, the #-urday notations. Terry originally called Saturdays #caturday, but, since not everyone is a cat lover, she extended it to #dogurday, which gradually became either of those two or any #animal-urday. Which is why you see that above some of my drawings.

Please respect that these are my original pieces of art and cannot be reproduced or used in any way without my express consent. I have prints available if you are interested. Just let me know.



  1. The feathers on your birds looked so real and fluffy!

    1. Aw, thanks, Michele! What a nice thing to say!

  2. My favorites are the blue jay and cardinal. The neurogenic art is fantastic. I can see why you can only work on it for about 15 minutes at a time. Very nice, though. I love it. I always look forward to your art!

    1. You are always so sweet! I look forward to your comments. Thank you!

  3. I so enjoy seeing your art work. God sure did bless you with some great talent.
    Your photos all look so life like. I love seeing your photos of nature.
    I couldn't help but not smile when I seen that cute squirrel.
    Enjoy your day

    1. Oh, thank you, Colleen, for the smile your precious words put on my face!

  4. The neurographic art is interesting. I like the way you added shading to the colored sections. But my favorites are your drawings of birds and other animals. They have so much character. Absolutely beautiful!
    Thank you for linking up at Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 21.

    1. Thank you, Carol! I am always honored and delighted when someone says they like my drawings!
