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February 4, 2023

#365birds DECEMBER 2022

I am here today to share with you the second full month of my year-long personal challenge, to draw a bird a day for 365 days. The month we will be looking at is December. 

As a 3+ years member of Terry Runyan's #dailycreating Facebook group, we are encouraged to create something every day. Instead of following Terry's optional prompts for the group, during this challenge, I follow my own prompts. Either way, I am creating every day.

Above each of the birds, I will note the name of the bird, as well as where in the world they can be found.

 vermillion flycatcher

american southwest

northern gannet
north atlantic ocean

golden-breasted starling
eastern africa

baya weaver
indian subcontinent and southeast asia

victoria crowned pigeon
new guinea

black-necked stork
this is a female because it has a yellow eye

plush-crested jay
south america

black and yellow broadbill
brunei, indonesia, malaysia, myanmar, singapore, thailand

varied thrush
northern north america

golden-browed chlorophonia
costa rica

scarlet-and-white tanager
colombia and equador

eastern bluebird
north america and south as far as nicaragua

variegated fairywren

red-tailed laughingthrush

black baza
india, eastern himalayas, china, southeast asia

southern yellow-billed hornbill
south africa

And there we go. Another month in the books.

I have to admit that once in awhile, I need to psych myself up to do the day's bird. But it is a commitment I've made to myself, and I fully intend to see it through to the end. Thus, I have never missed a day's bird -- yet.

As soon as I finish writing this post, I will be doing my drawing for Day 95. It happens to be sort of a fluke. The name of the bird I'd randomly picked from the jar happens to be a Strawberry Owl. Unfortunately, that is not a real bird. So, after a bit of sleuthing, I will be drawing a Madagascar Red Owl, which strongly resembles a Barn Owl. At least, it's a real bird.

If you would like any prints of my bird drawings, just let me know. I would be happy to supply that. Please don't copy or print any of my drawings without my express permission.

It's impossible to explain creativity. 
It's like asking a bird, "How do you fly?" You just do.
- Eric Jerome Dickey -




  1. Waw! You are talented! I like the black-necked stork the most!

  2. Lovely art work, Linda! I've tried working with colored pencil - yours is so fine!
    Thank you for sharing at

    1. Thank you, Sue! My tool of choice is Derwent Inktense Colored Pencils. They can be used like traditional colored pencils, but when water is added, the pencil becomes ink. I find it difficult to tame, but the final result is usually quite satisfying.

  3. I always love to look at photos of your bird and wild-animal drawings. Each bird is unique in colors and plumage, and you give each bird its own personality in your drawings. Thank you for sharing this post in the Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 52.

  4. Lovely drawings, such pretty colors and lots of details.

  5. Love these! You are so skilled. I found you on Thursday Favorite Things. I just love your birds. --April from

  6. Wish I could draw! Your birds are all lovely. The Victoria crowned pigeon is my fave. Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm. xo Kathleen
