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May 28, 2024

#365birds/THE DAILY BIRD November 2023

I am still drawing a bird each day. At this point, the count is well over 700 birds drawn by Yours Truly. During this month of November, a big change took place. You see, I completed my year's worth of bird drawings, #365birds, and then I transitioned to another bird drawing challenge, this one without a specific ending date. I call it The Daily Bird. This challenge has the same parameters and expectations.

I obviously wasn't just too pleased with my November 2023 drawings, as I only have 11 to share with you. As always, I will include the bird's name and any other pertinent information above each drawing.

Here we go! 

 Day 357 #365birds

Evening Grosbeak, Canada, U.S., Mexico

Day 361 #365birds
Mountain Bluebird, Western North America

Day 1 The Daily Bird
Peach-Faced Lovebird, Southwestern Africa

Day 2 The Daily Bird
Sedge Warbler, Europe and Western Asia

Day 4 The Daily Bird
Chestnut-Backed Chickadee, Southeastern Alaska to Central California

Day 10 The Daily Bird
Flame Robin, Southeastern Australia

Day 15 The Daily Bird
Red-Rumped Parrot, Australia

Day 16 The Daily Bird
Coquerel's Coua, Madagascar

Day 18 The Daily Bird
The bird with the silly haircut: Belgian Canary, Belgium, France, Netherlands

Day 19 The Daily Bird
Olive-Backed Sunbird, Philippines

Day 20 The Daily Bird
Chinese Goose, China

So, an ending and a new beginning. I just love birds. After finishing #365birds, I decided to just keep going with them. 

A few types of birds I definitely do not enjoy drawing though are penguins and hummingbirds. These are such extraordinary birds, but I feel my rendering of any of them just doesn't ever do them justice. So, when one of them is randomly picked for the day's bird drawing, I just gulp and go forth, hoping for the best. Usually disappointed though. That's one of the reasons you won't find too many of those types of birds within these posts. I just do not like my results.

If you would ever like to own a print of any of my birds, just let me know. Please don't print from these blog posts or my Instagram account. 

Speaking of Instagram, you can find me at @paperseedlings. That account is way more up-to-date than these blog posts are. I would be honored if you would become one of my cherished followers!

Thanks so much to all of you who are gracious enough to follow along with me on my bird adventure! I love the company!


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