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July 22, 2024

THE DAILY BIRD December 2023

In September, I will have been writing in my blog, Paper Seedlings, for 12 years! This post is my 1,250th entry. 

Most of my blog posts have been about cardmaking or papercrafting of some other form. That was the original intent of Paper Seedlings: to plant little seedings of ideas that will be cherished and cared for in order for these little seedings to grow into full blown creations that are so satisfying and add something wonderful to your life. That is the intent I originally set out with, and have never faltered. 

Last May, 2023, I endured a scary medical incident, a TIA, during which I lost the sight in my right eye for some time. After lots and lots of testing, it was discovered that my right carotid artery was 99% blocked, which resulted in surgery to clear that out. I am doing as fine as can be expected since then. But that little incident seems to have stolen a little bit from me, making me feel somewhat fragile and vulnerable.

Starting about that time, my interest in Paper Seedlings -- and it seems the interest of my readers too -- began to wane some and to just not be as important to me or others. Thus when I look back to my last post, I am amazed and dismayed that it has been nearly TWO MONTHS since I have posted anything. And I don't think the readers care either, because views are waaaay down and comments are pretty much nonexistent.

Thus, when my blog domain comes up for renewal next month, I am not going to renew it. That will be the demise of Paper Seedlings. I am so sad because this precious blog has been such a huge part of my life for so long, and it will be difficult to lay it to rest.

I guess they say that all good things must come to an end. And I did consider Paper Seedlings to have been a good thing.

You will probably not see any more of my card creations, although I am still creating cards for a handful of wonderful ladies who order my Project Kits each month from me. I appreciate that and them for the excuse to be creative.

The one thing that hasn't waned at all, however, is my love of drawing birds each day. I am up around 800 birds that I have drawn over the past years.

With that said, I will try to post a couple more times before Paper Seedlings ceases to exist, a few more months' worth of bird drawings. Check out this particular post, and you will see that these bird drawings are from DECEMBER! And here we are in the end of July. A little behind.

I hope you enjoy this gathering of birdies. As I always have, I will list the bird's name, as well as the area in the world where it can be found.

painted bunting

southeast and south-central u.s.

northern pygmy owl
western north america from canada through the usa and into mexico

flame-throated bulbul
western ghats in southern india

northern hemisphere

mexican eagle
central and south america

cape batis
southwestern cape region of south africa

painted spurfowl

red-footed booby
tropical seas around the world

northern flicker
lower 48 states into central america to northern nicaragua, also cuba

king eider
arctic tundra

saira preciosa
south america

red-winged blackbird
north america

great crested flycatcher
central and eastern north america and southern canada

And there you have it: a handful of my favorites from December 2023. Hopefully it won't be so long before I get to posting those from January 2024!

As always, if you would like a print of any of my bird drawings, please contact me. I would be honored to have you love one of my little birdies anough to want it to come and live in your house!


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