Here I present to you my favorite birdies I drew as part of my personal challenge, The Daily Bird. These drawings are all from October, 2024.
I hope you are enjoying the journey I am taking you on, my own challenge of drawing a bird each day. At this point I am not sure, but I think I have drawn in excess of 900 birds. Not necessarily 900 different birds, as some of them are repeats over the years. I try to draw birds I've never drawn before, but sometimes there are repeats.
As always, above each of the drawings, I will note the name of the bird, as well as where in the world this bird can be found.
blue jay
north america
eastern bluebird
north america
belted kingfisher
all of canada and most of the u.s.
northern cardinal
north america
great blue heron
north america
house finch
north america
carolina wren
north america
american crow
north america
white-winged dove
southwestern u.s., through mexico, central america and the caribbean
great-tailed grackle
north and south america
house sparrow
brown pelican
east and west coasts of u.s.
greater roadrunner
desert southwest u.s.
green jay
southern texas
american goldfinch
north america
red-tailed hawk
north america
What!?! I had no idea until I was putting this post together that so many of the birds are native to North America! Outstanding!
Well, that closes another month of The Daily Bird. Thanks so much for accompanying me on this little birdie drawing challenge.
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